The facility is located in the center of the bazaar, under the Clock Tower that was built in 1754.

In its vicinity were the mezyah, the madrasa, and the mosque, which together formed a complex that represents some of the main symbols of the city of Ulqin from that period. The city administration was located in this building for two centuries.

In the 1960s, it housed the Municipal Court as well as the committee of the Communist Party. At the beginning of the 20th century, it dominated the Ulqin Bazaar as the most beautiful building of its size and height. Unfortunately, the owners of the buildings in Çarshi have not followed the authentic architecture and style of this complex, instead building higher and in different styles. Today, Beledija is heavily damaged, and with this, the market of Ulqin has lost the appearance which characterized the urban harmony of that period.

Although it was built during the Ottoman rule, it is still not in the register of protected cultural assets and written documents have not been preserved, including those that describe in detail the appearance of the interior of the building. The preserved photo-documentation shows the former external appearance with the arrangement of windows and the roof with wide eaves characteristic of that period.

The building was badly damaged by the earthquake of 1979. Today, it is under the jurisdiction of the local government, but unfortunately, its adaptation and reconstruction were never carried out, leaving it as a ruin which spoils the appearance of this area.

Due to the historical importance of this building, it is necessary to carry out a reconstruction in the same dimensions and appearance with the idea of ​​serving the residential purposes of the local government.

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